How to promote your rental property with video

Getting the most out of your HD property video
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When you’re trying to re-let your rental properties, how do you stand out in a crowded market? Video creates a great point of difference for your rental listings and can attract business in a slow market. In this article, we’ll be sharing how you can get your rental properties leased using video.

Standing out from the crowd

When a prospective tenant is searching the market for a rental property, they can browse hundreds of properties in an instant. Video can help you to stand out from the sea of bland descriptions and still images.

Video can also convey more information than text alone. Many Property Managers that we’ve spoken with over the years tell us that prospective tenants tend to skim over text or not read the descriptions at all, then ask questions which could’ve been answered by reading the advert – but they will readily pay attention to engaging visuals like video for extended periods of time.

Guiding viewers by using a professional voiceover along with images timed to show the information being presented is a great way to let people know about what makes your property special – and you can even still use text. By pointing out the key features of your property in a popover, viewers are guaranteed to notice the information. Here’s an example from one of our recent clients who used popovers effectively to draw attention to some special features of the property:

When deciding what to include in a popover, think about the things people enquire about most. If a prospective tenant is querying something, chances are there are many more who are wondering. Proactively answer those questions with popovers.

Does the property come furnished or unfurnished? Are the whitegoods included? Are any utilities included? Does the Landlord allow pets? These are just a few of the questions on every tenant’s mind, and there’s no better way to answer than through video.

Getting your money’s worth 💵

What else do you get out of making a video for a rental property? Great value for money. You can order a video once for the property, and use it again and again each time you re-let it, provided you don’t display the rental price. And because your property video helps your rental listing stand out from the crowd, you’ll have it leased out sooner.

Thanks for reading! Tell us in the comments: what do you do to get your rental properties re-let quickly?

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