We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best service possible. Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions we receive.
1How can you make a video without visiting the property?
We use your high resolution images and animate them with titles, transitions, a professional voiceover and royalty free background music. This professional video solution saves you and your clients time and money.
2How long does it take to produce a video?
From the time we receive your payment, images and script, the video will be delivered to you via email in 2 business days.
3What resolution should my images be?
To achieve a high quality HD video, we recommend you provide high resolution photos from your photographer of at least 1920 x 1080 pixels. It's best to let your photographer know this before they to go the property to take the photos.
4How do you deliver the video to us?
Once your video is ready we will email you a link to view and download the video. Once you have downloaded the video you can add it to the property listing via your listing bulk uploader, or use it for e-marketing, social media pages or YouTube. If you're not tech savvy, ask us about our additional services, where we can assist you to add the video to your YouTube channel and other media sources.
5What is the length of the videos?
Our videos are 60 - 90 seconds each, however for an additional fee we can extend the length of your video, or shorten it so it's Instagram ready. To keep your audience engaged we believe a video should be no longer than 90 seconds.
6What is a Social Media Compliant Video?
Many social media platforms only allow you to upload a short video of 30-90 seconds. We therefore offer you the option to order an additional social media compliant video at the time of ordering your property video. This additional video will be a maximum of 59 seconds which should allow you to upload it onto any platform.
7What are Closed Captions?
Closed captions are subtitles which can be read on a video while the volume is muted. All of our videos include Closed caption subtitles.
8Do I have to sign up to a subscription?
No! The great thing about our service is that there is no ongoing subscription. Once you are setup with us, you can order whenever you like. There is no minimum monthly spend. However, we do offer package discounts should you wish to order from us frequently.

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